Most login pages are usually very similar. The show a form with a username field and a password field. This is all most websites need, because for a typical website with its own user database there are only two facts the user needs to provide - the username and password - and there is very little information that the website needs to provide to the user before they log in.

For modern, federated logins the situation can be a bit more complicated. The same login page is used to access many sites, so you might not know what you are logging in to - you might have simply followed a link on another site. Is the website trusted? Have you visited before? Do they have terms and conditions? Will they sell your data?

The information needed to login can also change. supports a steadily growing number of different ways to login, and will soon allow you to choose different login credentials for different types of website. It isn’t enough to just show a password form - you might be using a Yubikey, an phone app, a smart card, your Twitter account, or just login with no credential at all. And after authenticating you need to choose what information to share with the website.

Indiid needs to be able to provide more information and also ask for more information, but without becoming a nuisance. Nobody likes logging in. It’s a chore: you want to move on and use the website.

We want our login process to do more and our users to do less. The new login page at Indiid is our second attempt - we think it’s a good improvement. Please let us know what we can try next.