A Few Changes

There are disappointingly few interesting changes to report in the last couple of months, as most recent work has been on back-end services, infrastructure and tests.

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New Menus

We’ve recently made a lot of internal improvements to the way Indiid application sessions work, and this has helped us to tidy up the status part of the top navigation menu bar. The login/logout buttons been replaced by less intrusive menus and there’s a new SSO status display.

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SSO Returns To Login

We’ve updated the Login app a few times this week to add one significant new feature and to fix a few bugs.

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Bug-fixes for Explore, Signup and Account

Enough overdue bug fixes today to warrant their own blog post…

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So far we’ve taken payment for Indiid subscriptions using Pin Payment’s credit card service. We’ve been asked if we can also support prepayment options and accounts without credit cards.

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They’re a bit late, but if you signed up as part of the Pioneer offer earlier this year you should be getting your free organic shirt in the next week or so. They look rather nice.

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Email forwarding

There’s now a temporary, not-quite-automated-enough email forwarding service available for all Indiid users. If you’d like to test a yourusername@indiid.net account please get in touch.

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We’ve had a request to make given name and surname attributes available to services.

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Basic Attributes

The Organise app won’t be much use unless we can actually share the information it creates - groups, special entitlements, organisation information, and so on.

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Organise: Groups Prototype

We’ve just deployed a new version of Indiid Organise. This one shows much more of how the finished service will work. Organise will bring many of the features of a “Virtual Organisation” service to Indiid, and a lot of Indiid’s future functionality will be built on top of it.

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